Friday, September 20, 2013

A Rally Against Mass Surveillance

Hello everyone!

Oniell Ford here. Just wanted to get this message out to everybody. Do you remember the NSA's secret spying program on the entire nation and others? Well, our friends at have been planning a rally against the NSA's controversial and unconstitutional mass surveillance program. They plan on rallying at Washington D.C. to protest and deliver a petition of over half-a-million signatures demanding the U.S. Government to end the NSA's program.

I cannot attend the rally in-person, unfortunately. However, that does not mean I can't do anything about it! For those of us that can't attend, we are able to do so via online.

For more information, visit the following link.

I will be attending the rally. Will you join me?

- Oniell Ford.

Friday, September 6, 2013

California's Deadliest Catch - New Report Calls for End to Drift Gillnets

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to get this across to you guys. The Sea Turtle Restoration Project has begun an action called "California's Deadliest Catch" to look into, and hopefully stop, the use of a controversial fishing tool known as "Drift Gillnets".

Please click here to learn more about this "California's Deadliest Catch" and spread the word to help stop these horrible acts!

- Oniell Ford.